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So guys, now we talking about new feature in Armored Warfare, rent. Yeah rent a tank now can be possible if you have not enough gold to buy tank. So far, the tanks can you be rented are premium. The first rent system come from china server, the publisher in china give T-62M for bug compensation for 3 days.

Now RU server have rent system in their game too and if you have RU account, you can try this code

This code give you Chieftain mk.6 for 7 days ( cool right?). Type the code HERE 


RU server give all player a free 30 days of AMX-10RCR VIVE LA FRANCE. If you have a RU account, check your mail.ru email and claim it!

TANKS FOR RENT TANKS FOR RENT Reviewed by Anton on 1/26/2018 Rating: 5

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